4 nutritious smoothies to drink after a workout

4 nutritious smoothies to drink after a workout

Topping up your energy levels is an important post-exercise step, as Myprotein nutritionist Jennifer Blow explains. It can be a struggle to find the time and motivation for making yourself nutritious smoothies after you’ve been in the gym.. Skipping post-workout meals can leave you feeling tired and foggy, which can get in the way of recovery. If not properly recovered from workouts, your muscles will be compromised and inevitably leads to increased chance for injury.. But they are quick to make and packed with protein!
If we take just 5 minutes out of our hectic day (we know it’s tough!) there really isn’t any excuse not too. They may even help prevent that ‘post workout slump” if consumed within 30minutes You’ve got this!


This protein-packed, low calorie smoothie is perfect if you’re trying to lose weight and still give your body the nutrients it needs after a workout. Add some oats for bulkiness and make this into an on-the go meal using half a cup of them!

1 cup almond milk (or other liquid)

½ frozen banana 1 scoop vanilla protein powde

r ¾ cups mixed berries

2 big ice cubes



Give this smoothie a go if you want something more than just the caffeine kick. This drink is perfect for post-workout refueling because it contains protein powder and bananas, which have plenty of energizing benefits that will help your muscles recover quickly after breaking down during exercise. Top off with some whipped cream or add another half banana to make it bulkier!

1 shot of espresso
1 frozen banana
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1 cup of milk of choice
4 ice cubes



This protein-packed smoothie will give you the nutrients and energy needed to power through your workout. It also packs in plenty of vitamin C, perfect for warding off colds during the winter months.
1 cup Greek yogurt
2 satsumas, peeled and broken into segments
1 kiwi, peeled
½ cup mango – frozen mango works too!
1 big handful spinach leaves (about 1/4 bunch) Option: You can substitute one large kale leaf if desired instead of using a “handful” or ½ ounce which is approximately 2 cups loosely packed greens 🙂


Want to bulk up? After a workout, try this high calorie smoothie packed with protein and healthy fats. The banana delivers the carbs you need for energy and fiber keeps your digestion in check!

1 cup of almond milk (or dairy-free milk)

+ 1/2 of banana + 3 tablespoons peanut butter

+ 2 tablespoon chocolate chips.

Blend it up and enjoy!

When it comes to muscle recovery, protein smoothies are the perfect post-workout snack. Make sure your blender has a high power motor and blade that can blend up frozen fruit without becoming clogged with ice cubes or chunks of banana. Once you’ve found the right machine for your needs, there are plenty of recipes available online for delicious tasting drinks

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