How to Treat Anxiety With Nutrition

How to Treat Anxiety With Nutrition

What you eat can make a big difference to your anxiety levels. While some people are prone towards the condition, it is possible for others who suffer from this mental health disorder and could be prescribed medication or therapy in order treat their symptoms with dietary changes also being an option on options available when looking at treatments such as changing what foods we consume which might help reduce overall stress because these types of diets have been found effective over time so give them try!

Some nutritionists have long lists of nutritious items that they recommend to clients dealing with anxiety disorders. “Eating a healthy diet can have significant benefits for your mental health,” says Tahia Haque from Savant Care. In particular she recommends foods like fruit and vegetables which are high in vitamins as well as minerals that may help maintain soundness of mind!

10 foods (and drinks) to help reduce anxiety


Vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet, but did you know that they can also be effective in treating anxiety? The nutrition in vegetables provides necessary vitamins and minerals to help regulate the nervous system. It’s important to include them in your day-to-day life for overall wellness. Read on below to learn more!
Blog post intro paragraph: If you’re someone who struggles with chronic anxiety, it might seem like there is nothing out there that will take away those feelings of worry or fear. However, what many don’t realize is that certain foods can actually reduce anxiety symptoms and make one feel less stressed overall. 


Experts agree that fruit is a healthy and nutritious addition to any diet. An apple, for example, packs more than 130 nutrients into its small size! There’s also research showing how eating certain kinds of fruits can reduce anxious feelings because they contain antioxidants which fight off free radicals in the body—antioxidants are important since this type if damage may lead you down an anxiety spiral as mentioned before with depression or other mood disorders such as PTSD where inflammation occurs from stress responses being turned on at times when there shouldn’t have been any stimulus present (such was happening during war).

Pomegranate juice and watermelon

The anti-inflammatory properties of watermelon and pomegranate juice may reduce anxiety, depression symptoms.
The benefits are substantial for people who choose this plant based diet: Improvement in both mental health conditions is reported by those undertaking such a regimen including an increase in contentment due to increased antioxidants found within these fruits as well other nutrients like vitamins C & E that’ll keep your cells strong against free radicals!

Citrus fruit

Orange is a wonderful fruit that can help to relieve anxiety if you eat the right kind. Vitamin C in oranges, along with other antioxidants found within this delicious treat are linked with better management of symptoms for people who suffer from high-anxiety disorders like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Fruits also provide many other essential nutrients such as fiber which helps keep your blood sugar levels stable so it’s easier on both mind and body!

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are a natural way to help reduce anxiety symptoms. They can be found in many fruits, vegetables and fish that you might already enjoy! While eating well is always important for your mental health both high doses of omega 3 supplements or just consuming foods rich with these nutrients like spinach will provide benefits when it comes down reducing stress levels
The best thing about all this research? It’s not difficult – so give them a try today!


Probiotics may be the key to relieving anxiety. They’re usually found in fermented foods and beverages, such as kimchi or sauerkraut–not so appealing but potent sources of these good bacteria! Yogurt is an excellent probiotic option too; if you don’t like gelly Bearing down on a kefir? Try drinking it out-of -the jar instead (just let your own time limit).


If you’re feeling a little stressed or anxious, it might be time to indulge in something sweet. A study has shown that chocolate can help relieve anxiety and depression by reducing the levels of stress hormones like cortisol (which are released when we feel threatened). Both dark chocolate with higher cocoa content than milk-based chocolates have been found effective at combating negative thoughts brought on by traumatic events such as accidents; try eating one bar per day for best results!


Staying hydrated is beneficial to everyone, but according the experts it has added benefits for patients with anxiety. One 2018 study found that drinking plain water was linked with decreased risk in adults who were depressed or anxious!
In fact one reason why we recommend staying fully stocked on waters at home might be because there’s an association between not getting enough moisture through your diet and these mental health issues – which means you could help yourself feel better if something else isn’t working out right either (such as trying hard-to eat less).

Goji berries 

The goji berry is a small, red fruit that grows on the shrub of the same name. They are high in antioxidants and can help treat anxiety because they contain compounds called proanthocyanidins which stabilize cell membranes and allow more oxygen to reach brain cells. A study found that people who took goji berries for 12 weeks had less anxiety than those taking a placebo. Goji berries also have been shown to increase serotonin levels leading to increased mood, energy, socialization and sleep quality. In addition, it even has been suggested that these benefits from consuming goji berry may be seen as early as 3-4 days after starting supplementation with one or two grams per day of dried fruit powder daily!

4 foods (and drinks) to avoid

Just as some foods and drinks are thought to improve the symptoms of anxiety, there are those that might worsen your condition. Your diet can have an effect on both how you feel after eating them or if they make it worse by either providing calming nutrients for relaxation like tryptophan in protein-rich foods or triggering panic attacks with high sugar content such a soda
A registered dietitian at Balance One Supplements says: “Foods help us get through tough times but also hinder our recovery.”

1. Processed foods

Processed food is not only low in nutrients but also harmful to your mental health. The reason for this? Processes create a nutrient-deficient product by removing the vitamins and antioxidants which can lead you into an ongoing state of inflammation, says Dr Haque
The fast food we love may be bad news when it comes to our moods because they are high on saturated fats as well trans fats with omega 6 fatty acids being detrimental if eaten consistently over time . An Anti Anxiety Diet will help reduce these changes so slow down those cravings!

2. Sugary drinks

Sweets and drinks can trigger mood disorders, so you should avoid them to prevent anxiety. Replacing these with water or chamomile tea might help your body recover from the damage done by sweet food and beverages

3. Refined carbohydrates

These refined carbohydrates can trigger a state of anxiety in several ways. They cause an instant rise and fall on blood glucose which leads to mood changes, hormonal imbalance,” says Best. “It also leaves us feeling hungry more quickly; this could be what causes your feelings of stress or worry.” To limit these reactions cut back cake consumption by eating healthier whole-grain carbs such as brown rice instead (or eliminating them all together).

4. Caffeine

The morning coffee you love to drink can make your day jittery and on edge. Caffeine may also interfere with sleep when it’s consumed too late in the evening, which affects both mental health as well as quality of life for many people who suffer from chronic anxiety or depression issues – research has found an association between high caffeine intake paired up alongside these conditions! If this sounds like something that could be impacting yours then try gradually reducing how much caffeinated beverage consumption there is each day while simultaneously cutting back other sources like energy drinks AND soda pop so they don’t add anymore stress than necessary onto what’s already a stressful lifestyle.



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