Summer eating tips to help keep your family healthy

Summer eating tips to help keep your family healthy

The summer is right around the corner, and with it come all sorts of outdoor festivals. But if you’re looking to achieve that “perfect” body for swimsuits or other seasonal occasions this year- why not start now? You can improve your nutrition by eating healthier during these warmer months than ever before! It’s easy–just small steps each week will get those results in no time at all.

The following are eight healthy eating goals that the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition suggests you strive towards. 

Make half of your plate fruits and veggies:

If you want to be healthy, try adding more color into your meals. The best way is by choosing red, orange and dark green vegetables like tomatoes along with other fruits for desserts or sides dishes that can Support digestion while providing vital nutrients the body needs!

Make half the grains you eat whole grains:

Whole grains are essential for a healthy diet and can be found in many different forms. There is even room to enjoy them on their own! For example, try switching your favorite white breads with whole wheat varieties such as those listed above- they will not only give you more energy but also help keep weight down by containing less calories than traditional refined flours do (especially if taken along side other lifestyle changes).

Switch to fat-free or low fat (1%) milk:

The difference between low-fat and whole milk come down to calories, saturated fat content in your diet or not.
The two milks have the same amount of calcium as well other essential nutrients like protein so it’s really up you whether this ruins one for yourself because they contain less sugar than standard cows’butterol frames lactose intolerant?

Choose a variety of lean protein foods:

The Protein Foods Group includes meat, poultry and seafood as well as dry beans or peas. This means that you should try to select leaner cuts of ground beef (where the label says 90% lean or higher), turkey breast for example instead of regular roast chicken which has more fat than other types but still isn’t recommended if your goal is weight loss because it contains below-average amounts for protein intake!

Compare sodium in foods:

When you’re looking for ways to cut back on the amount of salt in your diet, use nutrition facts labels as a guide. Look at what’s available and choose lower sodium versions like soup (without added spices), bread or frozen meals that are labeled “low,” “reduced” or ‘no sauce’. Canned foods also have reduced amounts so check those out too!

Drink water instead of sugary drinks:

Cutting calories has never been easier with the help of some simple strategies. Instead of drinking soda, energy drinks or sports waters try switching to water mixed with juice for that extra boost in taste!

Eat some seafood:

 Have you heard of the health benefits of seafood? Seafood includes fish (such as salmon, tuna and trout) plus shellfish like crab or oysters. It offers protein with minerals including omega-3 fatty acids that help prevent heart disease! Try to eat at least eight ounces per week in various types; adults should consume more while children can still enjoy smaller amounts too without worrying about their weight status getting compromised since they’re younger than us veggies 😉

Cut back on solid fats:

The best way to avoid fat in your diet is by eating less foods that contain solid fats. The major sources for Americans are cakes, cookies and other desserts (often made with butter or margarine) as well pizza; processed meat such hot dogs & bacon . It’s also important not forget about ice cream!

Here are some great tips for emphasizing fruits and veggies:

  • You can use fresh, frozen and canned vegetables to make your dishes more flavorful. For instance: pack a lunch bag with apples slice; bananas or carrot sticks for added health benefits!
  • The best way to get your child excited about eating healthier is by including more fresh produce in their diet. Try packing a lunch bag with fruit and vegetables, such as an apple or banana cut into slices; carrot sticks dipped in hummus topped off with some quinoa for extra protein punch!

Healthy snacks:

Make sure you have a variety of healthy snacks on hand. Cut up fruits and vegetables, such as carrots or oranges for quick 19333⁄4 intake that’s good ladder to teach your kids about food! Instead of cookies sometimes try cutable treats like fruit unless they’re already used in recipes then go with those over-easy eggs from breakfast again today – muscle meat helps build strong bones after all!.

Reduce fat, salt, and sugar:

You can help reduce your sodium intake by choosing food preparation methods that do not involve the use of oil, like grilling and baking instead of frying. You should also serve fruits as desserts rather than sugary treats because they have less fat content which makes them healthier options for you to enjoy on occasion without feeling guilty about it later either!

Controlling portion size:

Portion control is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There are many ways you can do this by using smaller plates, limiting eating at one time and not cleaning your plate if there’s food left over from dinner the night before!

Healthy eating in school:

If you want to be a good host, bring healthy snacks for your child’s upcoming birthday party or celebration. You don’t need treat them with sugary treats at home; instead provide some tasty items on-the-go like fruit leathers (made from vegetables!), whole wheat breadsticks made without butter!

Conclusion paragraph: Summertime is a great opportunity to get your family outside and active, but it can also be a time where you have to be more mindful of what everyone is eating. With all of the BBQs, pool parties, and vacations, it can be easy to let your diet slip. But with a few simple tips, you can keep your family healthy this summer. We’ve highlighted some of our favorite summer eating tips in this blog post, so be sure to read on for advice on how to make nutritious meals that everyone will love. And if you need help getting started, we recommend trying goji berries by nutrientelements – they are a great way to add antioxidants and other nutrients to any meal.

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