“Why winter weight gain is inevitable and how to avoid it”

“Why winter weight gain is inevitable and how to avoid it”

Cold weather stimulates our survival impulse

Cold weather stimulates our survival impulse, but it has not always been this way. Long before humans lived in climate-controlled homes with well insulated walls and could purchase anything they needed from the grocery store at any time – winter was dangerous for most people who did not own enough resources to survive its harshness without help from others or ingenuity on their part.
This passage explores how autumn’s harvest dictates what kind of food is available throughout colder months; once those supplies are used up additional sources become hard found unless you’re very rich person

Binging on food in response to the cold may be deeply ingrained in our biology. It was a survival mechanism from earlier times, when we would have tried storing up all of calories and energy so that it could help us survive during periods with scarce resources– much like wild animals put on body fat for hibernation today! The craving also explains why people crave carbs, sugar or fats rich foods- their bodies are setting aside enough stores hopefully self preservation will take care them should anything happen again soon


Eating makes us warmer

Cold weather can make you hungry not just because it has been said that food will warm us up inside, but also for another reason. When we feel colder than usual our body’s natural response is to conserve energy by lowering its core temperature and slowing metabolism in order to ensure survival during times when resources are scarce– which means less heat leaving the system as waste through activities like exercise or shivering from cold exposure (which happens more often). This process works great until all those good intentions go south after indulging on high sugar/high fat foods resulting into spikes blood sugar levels followed dings leading back around again making weight gain inevitable even if there was no initial calorie intake!

Winter gives us the blues

Winter can be a difficult time for many of us who live in colder countries. Our bodies require sunlight to produce vitamin D and serotonin, two nutrients that may become depleted with less exposure during winter months when days are shorter and we spend more time indoors than outdoors outside working or playing outside as children would often do at this season. If you’re feeling down because the sun has disappeared from view come December 31st expect your mood-related neurotransmitters such as dopamine levels – responsible for feelings like pleasure and wellbeing –to dip even lower after just one day without any daylight whatsoever!

Our culture associates rich food with winter

The association of winter with heavy, rich dishes in our culture is to blame for our craving more food during that season. From childhood we learn this association and associate the cold months with comfort foods instead of salads or lighter meals because these associations are so deep-rooted it will take years before they can be broken down through healthier eating habits
The Christmas holidays also lead us into an environment where self indulgence becomes prevalent which prompts many people consume far more than what would otherwise happen on any other day throughout their lives

We stay in when the weather is bad

While we might spend more time inside during the winter and be inclined to snack endlessly because of boredom, there is a chance that our inactivity will lead us towards weight gain. The experts estimate about one or two pounds for individuals who do not exercise as much over Christmas break from their regular routine due this extra eating coupled with decreased physical activity levels which causes an increase appetite during cold weather seasons such has been seen recently across Europe where people have started experiencing higher rates than usual when it comes down regulate overeating among others reasons why these conditions exist .

Tips to avoid winter weight gain

If you are worried that you are gaining weight because of all the extra food eaten in winter, here are some tips for how to counteract this:

  • When you get the urge to snack, eat a healthy soup or stew. This food is low in calories and has lots of vegetables and other healthy ingredients. Have some protein so you stay full too!
  • Find new recipes for your favorite foods so you can have them without eating too many calories.
  • Snack on healthy things. Eat when you are hungry. Avoid eating high-fat and sugary foods.
  • Get outside during the day. That way you get to see the sun! Vitamin D and serotonin levels will also be better.
  • If you think that you are suffering from SAD, take preventative measures and seek professional help if necessary.
  • Exercise can help you feel better. It is a way to take your mind off food and also burn up some of those extra calories.
  • Find something else when you are stressed. Think about catching up with a friend, playing with your pet, or sitting down to drink tea.


Conclusion paragraph: With the cold weather creeping in, there are a few things you can do to avoid weight gain during the winter months. We recommend eating more goji berries! They contain tons of antioxidants and have been shown to help regulate blood sugar levels – which will prevent your body from storing fat. Click here for some tasty recipes that include Goji Berries!


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